Meet The Makers RSS
Amanda & Kenny Of The Sweet Whisk
Between them, Amanda & Kenny of The Sweet Whisk have more than thirty years of professional culinary work under their belts. This partnership started in a kitchen and now they have their own. Kenny began his career learning the ropes from the ground up. His career began by mastering every position in the kitchen. As his mastery of the culinary arts expanded, he tried on the hats of Kitchen Manager, General Manager, Sous Chef, and most recently Head Chef at various restaurants across the Southern United States. Amanda studied Baking & Pastry Arts and Food Service Management at Johnson & Wales...
Karla and Lilly Chenez Of Chenez's Popcorn
Our son Joe played travel baseball and one of his tournaments took us on a road trip. Our daughter Lilly LOVES popcorn so my wife Karla found a place that sold gourmet popcorn. In between Joe's games we took a ride. When we walked in this store Lilly was in heaven!!! We taste tested popcorn until we were full!! At that point I turned to Lilly and said “we can make this”. We came home and started making our popcorn on the stove every single night for about 5 months when we got home from work and school and on...